Upcoming Weekly Schedule


Saturdays at 7 pm -- Conversations with the Word

You’ve seen it listed on the calendar in Connections and in the bulletin announcements. Have you wondered what it’s all about? Every Saturday at 7:00pm a small group gathers on Zoom. The group reads scripture selected by a participant and discusses the reading: what it means to them or how it affects them. The conversation begins with The Word but takes on a life of its own. The gathering typically lasts 1½ to 2 hours. If you would like to get closer to some of your fellow congregants in a spiritual yet free-form way, come join us. We would love to share this special experience with you. Email Dave Teich for more information.

Meeting ID: 844 3301 7374 / Passcode: 893543 /



Monday-Friday at 8 am -- Morning Prayers

You are invited to join for a brief time of morning prayers at 8 am, Monday - Friday.

Email Dave Teich for more information.

Meeting ID: 834 5909 4110 / Passcode: 637264



Tuesdays at Ten

Please join Pastor Lisa this Tuesday at 10:00am on Zoom to reflect on this week's sermon scripture.



Wednesday Music Rehearsals  -- All are welcome!

Handbell Choir: 7:15 p.m.

Chancel Choir: 8:15 p.m.

For more information about our choirs and our music Covid protocols contact our Music Director, Debbie Tarby.

"Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord, All Ye Lands!" Psalm 100:1


Short Story Thursday (SST)

Join us this Thursday at 11 am as we discuss a classic short story and catch up with one another.  To get information on this week's title, please contact Nancy Walker Laudenberger.  All titles can be obtained on the internet.  Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 630 582 2404 -- Password: 3zE4W6

Month at a Glance

This Month at First Presbyterian

Select an event to access descriptions, contact information and additional details.

©2021 First Presbyterian Church of Hightstown, All rights reserved. 609-448-0055
