

The symphonic sounds of the handbell choir summon us, delight us, and enhance worship.
Children preparing for their performance in the annual Advent Pageant

Music at

First Presbyterian


Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
Psalm 100: 1-2


The music program of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Hightstown is a vibrant ministry that praises and honors God through varied and thoughtful musical offerings. Church attendees are privileged to hear a Schantz pipe organ and a Steinway grand piano that assist in the worship of the Almighty. In addition, the music ministry has many opportunities for those who wish to make musical contributions.


Bell Choir


The symphonic sounds of the handbell choir summon us, delight us, and enhance worship. The church owns a five-octave set of handbells and a three-octave set of handchimes. When in full use, the fifteen-member Bell Choir, practices weekly, Wednesdays at 7:15, and contributes monthly and for special services. Ages of the choir range from high school through adult.

View the Easter Medley – Bell Choir Performance




music director

Choirs will not meet during the Summer and will resume on September 7th


Easter Medley is by Jason W. Krug: Grassy Meadow Music, publisher. https://grassymeadowmusic.com/permissions


Sanctuary Choir

Wednesdays 8:15pm

The SATB Sanctuary Choir enhances weekly worship through eclectic offerings that include ancient and modern, eloquent and simple, old and new. There is something for everyone.

The Sanctuary Choir has been creating virtual anthems through the use of recorded submissions and a common iPad that is distributed to choir members at their homes. When rehearsals resume, they will be held on a weekly basis on Wednesdays at 8:15 pm.

The Sanctuary Choir is open to high school through adult. View the Sanctuary Choir performing Hosanna on Zoom


Praise Band

Praise Band incorporates nontraditional music into worship: from U2 and Tom Waits to contemporary Christian artists. The Praise Band contributes on a monthly basis. Praise Band at Worship in the Park

At the present time, Praise Band songs have been recorded for inclusion in our Zoom services. Participants range in age from junior high to adult.

View the Praise Band performing Morning Has Broken





Kids Music


Children are encouraged and welcome to contribute to the music ministry through song or instrumental offerings. Through the guidance of the Directory of Music, children are encouraged to offer their talents as we worship God.

At the beginning of Sunday School, children learn and sing the songs of faith through active music making.

Children’s music is an integral part of Wednesday Kids Club. Music that is learned in Kids Club is shared in Sunday morning worship on a monthly basis.

kids music director


Advent Pageant


The Advent Pageant is held annually on Sunday evening in early December in the sanctuary, together with an Advent dinner. Rehearsals are held during Kids Club. All children are invited to participate as actors, singers, narrators, or helpers.

This past year, the Advent Pageant was presently online. View the Advent Pageant


Other Opportunities


The 1st Presbyterian Church of Hightstown is blessed to have many members and friends who are talented musicians. We have had contributions from vocalists and those who play piano, guitar, trumpet, flute, horn, and clarinet. All levels are welcome to join as we

“Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.”

If you have any questions about the music program, contact Debbie Tarby, Director of Music.



©2021 First Presbyterian Church of Hightstown, All rights reserved. 609-448-0055
