If you or someone you know is in need of financial assistance because of the pandemic, we are available to help thanks to the generosity of all who were able to contribute to the Covid-19 Relief fund. Contact Pastor Lisa, Deacon Moderator Melissa Mohr, or reach out to our help lines via email at help@hightstownpres.org (English speaking) or ayuda@hightstownpres.org (Spanish speaking).
The First Presbyterian Church of Hightstown
320 North Main Street, Hightstown, NJ 08520
609 448-0055
Pastor, Lisa M. Day -- Lisa.day@hightstownpres.org -- 609-540-6528
Director of Christian Education, Mary Maleski -- mmaleski@hightstownpres.org -- 609-954-8977
Music Director, Debby Tarby -- music@hightstownpres.org -- 732-407-2233
Office Manager, Sheri Devlin -- sdevlin@hightstownpres.org -- 609-448-0055
Class of 2024: Roberta Cass, Dave Petrenka, Robin Reeves 2nd term, David Zaiser
Class of 2025: Mark Dahlinger, Lauren Diaz, Brian Reiss, Jeff Mohr
Class of 2026: Mearmon Davis, David Feffer 2nd term, Darla Hunt, Karen Klimpl 2nd term
Class of 2024: Alan Fisher, Annette Rosario, Mark Tarby, Alex Willman
Class of 2025: Brandon Curet, Jackie Hart, Melissa Mohr, Shirley Olsen