Favorite Bible verse: Isaiah 43:1-2
Lisa has been our pastor since October 1, 2014. She is a second career pastor, having worked for twenty years as a public interest lawyer, serving low income clients and persons with disabilities in Los Angeles and Philadelphia. Prior to coming here, Lisa served as Associate Pastor for Congregational Care and Older Adult Ministries at Swarthmore Presbyterian Church.
Lisa grew up on Guam, where America’s Day Begins, and still prefers to dress for the high temperature, go barefoot and finds the sounds of waves among the most soothing gifts God ever gave us. After living in Los Angeles for college (Occidental College) and law school (UCLA), she moved to Mercer County in 1990, living in Ewing and Lawrenceville before moving to Hightstown. She is the proud single mother to three adult children, Elizabeth, Hannah and Joseph Donoghue. Lisa loves word games, board games, richly drawn television dramas, independent films, water aerobics, and time spent at any baseball game.
From Pastor Lisa: “I am so delighted to serve alongside people deeply committed both to caring for one another in the family of faith and caring for those in the neighborhood and world. What a joy to be part of a community as diverse as ours in a time when showing love and acceptance of our siblings of every color, creed, national origin, income, gender, sexual orientation or political party is a crucial part of following where the Spirit of Jesus Christ is leading us.”
Princeton Theological Seminary, M.Div. 2007
UCLA School of Law, J.D. 1986
Occidental College, A.B. English, Magna Cum Laude, 1983, Phi Beta Kappa, Mortar Board
Lisa worked 20 years as an attorney representing low income clients and persons with disabilities in Los Angeles and Philadelphia.
Mary Maleski is our Director of Children and Youth Ministries and has been a member of our church staff since August 2005. Prior to joining us, Mary's experience included teaching preschool at Play & Learn, and working as the Christian educator for The First Presbyterian Church of Bordentown. She graduated from The College of New Jersey with a degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Ed. In 2005, upon the completion of her coursework/exams at the Princeton Theological Seminary, she celebrated her new title - Certified Christian Educator. Certified Christian Educator is the highest level of certification recognized in the PC(USA) for Christian educators.
Sheri Devlin is our Office Manager. She has been a member of the church since 2001, taught Sunday school for 15 years and is the Kids Club Coordinator. Sheri was previously employed by Princeton University at Firestone Library for 10 years before taking time off to raise her children. She has been our Office Manager since January 2014 and serves as the first point of contact for our church. This past year Sheri has been working primarily from home, only coming into the office as needed. She is able to access our HVAC system, member database, voicemails and printers all remotely, and is able to keep the office running. She is a Hightstown native, with strong ties to this community. Sheri lives in Hightstown with her husband, 3 of her 5 children, 1 dog and 1 cat.
Debbie Tarby is our Music Director. She comes to us with deep faith, great skills and a big heart. She has over 25 years’ experience as a church music director, directing and founding a number of vocal and bell choirs, playing the organ, and leading music programs of various sizes, ages and skill levels. She also brings the gifts of an experienced music educator.
Debbie extends this invitation, welcoming “congregants of all ages to sing and play instruments. I assure you that participation in church music will draw you closer to God and church life.”